About me

Clients sometimes ask me, what exactly do you do and then I say "I bring people back to their hearts so that they can open to life from this source of love and wisdom." Whether I give a reading, a soul retrieval or mirror therapy, this is always from where I approach everyone who comes to me. How can I show them the way to their own heart and invite them to walk it.
In my meeting with Amma a guru from India in 2005, my heart and my new path opened up. It was a special experience, she shook me up. During her embrace, she spoke to me in Hindi and I heard what she said, 'girl what have you done all!' Out of nowhere, a very deep sadness suddenly welled up inside me and tears rolled down my cheeks. That night I dreamt of a vortex, I was in the middle of it and someone tried to reach out to me. But I couldn't manage to grasp this hand and I was spinning deeper and deeper into the vortex. Suddenly I had a lucid moment in my dream and heard if I keep doing what I am doing,I will drown and suddenly I woke up. I quit my job and went on a journey, to the mountains of Peru/Bolivia. A seed had been planted without me realising it.
Several times as a child, I dreamt of a big window through which I looked and could see the Himalayas. A very clear image, it felt like home. In 2009, I left for India and met in Deli, Joseph an elderly tanned traveller from Italy. He had spent most of his life in India. We went by bus to McLeodganj Dharamsala, where he showed me a special place to sleep, where many monks also stayed overnight. I was given a room, with a very large window and you guessed it, this one overlooked the Himalayas. I knew this was where I needed to be, the right place. One day I told Joseph about the energy in my hands and he said maybe Ayurvedic massage is for you and so I found an Indian couple who taught me. Coming home opened up my new path. I started massaging and more and more forms of healing came into my life. Yoga what felt like a deep remembrance, a knowing beyond this time. The deep loneliness gave way to a sense that everything is connected and I am a part of a greater whole.
And slowly the seed from Peru also came to life. I did a number of initiations with the q'eros from Peru, such as the Hatun Karpay (the great initiation), Mosuq Karpay(initiation into the energy of the new age) and initiation into the energy of Orion, Mercury and the Chrystal Mesa. During these initiations, I experienced several images/visions, which have left a deep impression on me to this day. And made my understanding of the beginning, end and emergence ever clearer.
As long as I can remember, this world of matter, the world of light and the other layers of consciousness has always been a part of me. This often allows me to see situations and events from different perspectives and to understand and release blockages on different layers. In my sessions regardless of the form, I work on emotional, mental, spiritual and physical blockages located in the body or energetic field. With an open heart, I look at what you and your body want to show. It often works this way, that before someone comes I get information about what this person is struggling with or what they need. The spirits show me images and let me physically feel in my own body what the person is struggling with. During or after a session I tell them what they show me. For my work, it doesn't matter if you are physically present or if we do a session online/remote. The energy and information from my guides and spirits is separate from the physical world. Healing in the energetic field is healing in the body and vice versa.
Personal coaching, massage, yoga and meditation have not only shaped me as a person but have also shown me what I want others to experience as well. For this reason, I opened my practice Pereg in 2010, to introduce others to healing massage and the positive effects of yoga and meditation. Over the years, my consciousness evaluated, as did that of many of my clients. Because of this, I started to expand my offerings for consciousness development in 2022, and that is how Nathalie Nevali came into being.
For more information about the different types of treatments that I offer please go to my treatment page. All of my treatments are given in my practice located at Hillegomstraat 14 in Amsterdam.
My empathic nature and background in psychology awakened my interest in the development and awareness of the individual.
Education, training and workshops
Doctorate in psychology, University of Amsterdam
Ayurvedic body massage, facial massage and Shirodhara, Goa India
Intuitive painting, Ori, Dharamsala India
Indian Head Massage, Solar Plexus Training, Amersfoort
Ayurvedic abdominal massage, Massage in Motion, Alphen a/d Rijn
Classical massage with anatomy, Solar Plexus Training, Amersfoort
Hara (abdomen) massage, Tina Aleksandra from Harahealing, India
Workshop Thai yoga massage, Thai Hand Amsterdam
Spa sponge / mini Hammam massage, Massage parlor dolphin, Zwolle
Massaging without hands Rustpunt massage, Arnhem
Shiatsu & Ayurveda massage, Ganga Hoogendoorn, Amsterdam
Womb Awakening, Fountain of Life, Amsterdam
Lunar Blood Wimb Awakening, Fountain of Life, Amsterdam
Hatun Karpay, 1st initiation Munay Karpay Shiva's Secret, Amsterdam
Hatun Karpay, 2 initiation Munay Yachay, Shiva's Secret, Amsterdam
Model drawing and painting, Peter Eurlings, Amsterdam
Vipassana meditation, Dhama, Brazil
Dru meditation and yoga, Dru, Driebergen
Personal Coach Training, Move a Mountain in Meppel
Art therapy, Civas, Haarlem
Yoga teacher training Transformative Yoga, Sai Mitra, Amsterdam
Kundalini Yoga workshop, It’s just Yoga, Amsterdam
Yoga and Reiki workshop, Yoga Trail, Amsterdam
Trauma Sensitive Yoga workshop, Trauma Center, Kopenhagen Denemarken
Tension Release workshop, Yogalab, Amsterdam
Yoga on the chair, Stoelyoga Nederland, Hoofddorp
Training Voice Liberation, Jan-Hendrik Veenkamp, Haarlem